Los adjetivos numerales o adjetivos de número son los que indican la presencia de un número determinado, indeterminado de elementos o la distribución de los mismos dentro de una oración.
Responden a la pregunta ¿cuántos?. Los adjetivos de número son de tres clases:
- Adjetivos de número definidos,
- Adjetivos de número indefinidos
- Adjetivos de número distributivos.

Adjetivos numerales
Adjetivos numerales definidos
Tanto los números cardinales (p.ej. un, dos, tres, cuatro etc.) y los números ordinales (p.ej. primero, segundo, tercero, cuarto etc.) pertenecen a esta categoría.
- I have bought ten eggs.
- That tree is one hundred fifteen
- Who was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for Chemistry?
Adjetivos numerales indefinidos
Ellos indican un número indefinido. Los ejemplos son: some, may, few all, no several, etc.
- I have bought some mangoes. (No se sabe exactamente cuantos mangos)
- There were few people in the class.
- I have bought all the packets available.
- There are no leaves on the tree.
Nota que los adjetivos numerales indefinidos también pueden ser usados como los adjetivos de cantidad. Cuando son usados como los adjetivos de cantidad, son seguidos de sustantivos singulares no contables.
- I have bought some eggs. (Adjetivo numeral indefinido)
- I have bought some milk. (Adjetivo de cantidad)
Adjetivos numerales distributivos
Los adjetivos de número distributivos son considerados como los mismo que los adjetivos distributivos. Los ejemplos son: each, every, either and neither.
- Each hand has five toes.
- Every child needs food.
- Either method is right.
- Neither method is mistaken.
Los adjetivos de número distributivos deberían estar seguidos de un sustantivo singular y un verbo singular. Sin embargo, usamos un sustantivo plural y un verbo singular después each of, every one of, either of y neither of.
- Either of the methods is correct. (NO Either of the method is correct.)
Números ordinales como adjetivos numerales:
1 |
one |
1st |
first |
2 |
two |
2nd |
second |
3 |
three |
3rd |
third |
4 |
four |
4th |
fourth |
5 |
five |
5th |
fifth |
6 |
six |
6th |
sixth |
7 |
seven |
7th |
seventh |
8 |
eight |
8th |
eighth |
9 |
nine |
9th |
ninth |
10 |
ten |
10th |
tenth |
11 |
eleven |
11th |
eleventh |
12 |
twelve |
12th |
twelfth |
13 |
thirteen |
13th |
thirteenth |
14 |
fourteen |
14th |
fourteenth |
15 |
fifteen |
15th |
fifteenth |
16 |
sixteen |
16th |
sixteenth |
17 |
seventeen |
17th |
seventeenth |
18 |
eighteen |
18th |
eighteenth |
19 |
nineteen |
19th |
nineteenth |
20 |
twenty |
20th |
twentieth |
21 |
twenty-one |
21st |
twenty-first |
22 |
twenty-two |
22nd |
twenty-second |
30 |
thirty |
30th |
thirtieth |
40 |
forty |
40th |
fortieth |
50 |
fifty |
50th |
fiftieth |
60 |
sixty |
60th |
sixtieth |
70 |
seventy |
70th |
seventieth |
80 |
eighty |
80th |
eightieth |
90 |
ninety |
90th |
ninetieth |
100 |
a/one hundred |
100th |
hundredth |
101 |
a/one hundred and one |
101st |
hundred and first |
200 |
two hundred |
200th |
two hundredth |
1.000 |
a/one thousand |
1.000th |
thousandth |
10.000 |
ten thousand |
10.000th |
ten thousandth |
100.000 |
a/one hundred thousand |
100.000th |
one hundred thousandth |
1.000.000 |
a/one million |
1.000.000th |
one millionth |
Más ejemplos de adjetivos numerales:
1. I sent two letters.
2. There are seven days in a week.
3. I have learnt many tales.
4. Most boys like soccer.
5. Serge won the second prize.
6. The hand has five fingers.
7. Few cats drink milk.
8. All men must die.
9. Brad came first in the race.
10. There are twenty class rooms in this campus.
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