Three Surprising Facts about Tokyo
Have you ever been to Japan? I have. And one of the most beautiful cities I have ever been to is Tokyo. Its architecture is very modern, its streets are wide and its people are the kindest in the whole planet.
When I was in Tokyo, I found myself surprised by many things, but especially by three facts I wasn’t expecting to be true about this city. And here I give them to you, so if some day you visit Tokyo (please, do), you will know some of the things that are ahead of you.
Women wear just too much make-up. Beautiful as they may be, Japanese women in Tokyo don’t seem to leave their homes before spending quite an amount of time (and money, I may add) in applying an assortment of products to their faces. Colors are anything but discreet and nobody seems to find this out of the ordinary.
Tokyo residents are entirely too obedient to traffic lights. It doesn’t matter if there isn’t one single care coming down the street: they just won’t cross until the light is green for them to go on. At first I found this infuriating, even when I knew it was the right thing to do. But eventually I grew accustomed to it.
Tokyo people will help you even if you don’t ask them to do so. Although it may get a little annoying, this is mostly a good thing, since they are willing to give you directions no matter how bad you pronounce the few Japanese expressions you tried to learn.
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