I’m a body piercer and, believe it or not, it is a job. I get paid for doing this. I pay taxes, and I have responsible coworkers that have to cover an eight hours shift and have to work five days a week just as me. Just as a normal worker. We are responsible for some of those healthy people you have seen on the street hanging rings from ears. People that have pushed rings through their noses, lips and eyebrows.
But not everybody can do this, at least in the correct way. In order for the costumer to be safe when having a ring, I recommend have the job done with a certified person. Yes, a body piercer should have a certificate. Most of the certified body piercers clean their equipment. They know it is something necessary and obligatory. I know people who have gotten sick because of a cheap ear-piercing gun. A professional body piercer only pierces young people when their parents or guardians are with them. If you are a piercer do not pierce a navel if the person that is under fourteen or tongues if he or she is under eighteen.
Some of the general prices are ears $8, eyebrows cost about $35, tongues are over $100. How is the magic done? First the piercer disinfects the area. Then he or she pushes a needle trough, and finally he or she puts the ring and gives some advice on how to help the skin get better.
This is a real job, don’t judge people who do it or people who gets one of this rings. Most of them are good people and other not so good just as people without rings are.
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