I am grumpy cat, if you don’t notice it!
En esta ocasión les traemos una serie de ejercicios con el verbo to be. En esta ocasión ejercitaremos los tiempos presente y pasado, en sus formas positiva, negativa e interrogativa.
Antes de comenzar les haremos un repaso muy breve.
Tiempo presente. En el tiempo presente, el verbo to be tiene las siguientes formas, que corresponden a cada uno de los pronombres personales:
- I am
- You are
- He is
- She is
- It is
- we are
- you are
- they are
Las formas negativas se forman agregando la partícula negativa not. Estas formas también pueden formar una contracción, excepto con la primera persona del singular.
- I am not
- You are not, you aren’t
- He is not, he isn’t
- She is not, she isn’t
- It is not; it isn’t
- We are not, we aren’t
- You are not, you aren’t
- They are not, they aren’t
La forma interrogativa se forma escribiendo el verbo to be antes del pronombre o del sujeto
- Am I…?
- Are you…?
- Is he…?
- Is she…?
- Is it…?
- Are we…?
- Are you…?
- Are they…?
Tiempo pasado. En el tiempo pasado, el verbo to be tiene dos formas: was y were.
- I was
- You were
- He was
- She was
- It was
- we were
- you were
- they were
Las formas negativas se forman agregando la partícula negativa not. Estas formas también pueden formar una contracción.
- I was not, I wasn’t
- You were not, you weren’t
- He was not, he wasn’t
- She was not, she wasn’t
- It was not; it wasn’t
- We were not, we weren’t
- You were not, you weren’t
- They were not, they weren’t
La forma interrogativa se forma escribiendo el verbo to be antes del pronombre o del sujeto
- Was I…?
- Were you…?
- Was he…?
- Was she…?
- Was it…?
- Were we…?
- Were you…?
- Were they…?
Práctica y ejercicios con el verbo to be
Muy bien, ahora les pondremos algunos ejercicios con el verbo to be. Las respuestas las pondremos al final del post. Recuerden, resuelvan primero y verifiquen las respuestas después. ¡No hagan trampa!
Ejercicio 1-A. Ejercicios con el verbo to be en tiempo presente.
In this exercise, put the correct form of to be in presente tense.
1. I ___ going to the park.
2. Mary and Joan ____ buying fruit.
3. Rose and Esther ____ good students.
4. ____ a good weather this Sunday.
5. The Lord of the Rings ____ a trilogy of movies.
6. Most of my records ____ in LP format.
7. The cat and the dog ____ in the yard.
8. You ____ a clever boy.
9. Peter ____ on the living room.
10. Long Beach ____ a place near the sea.
Ejercicio 1-B. Ejercicios con el verbo to be en forma interrogativa (tiempo presente).
For this excercise, you must write the sentences of exercise 1 into interrogative form.
Ejercicio 2-A. Ejercicios con el verbo to be en tiempo pasado.
Write the next sentences in past tense form:
1. This exercise is easy.
2. I am in Greenland.
3. You are in the field.
4. Robert and Carmen are abroad.
5. We are tired.
6. The day is cloudy.
7. The glass is broken.
8. Those houses are so nice
9. The lion is asleep.
10. This is a good time.
Ejercicio 2-B Ejercicios con el verbo to be en forma interrogativa (tiempo pasado)
Now, write the sentences from exercise 2-A into interrogative form.
Ejercicio 3-A Ejercicios con el verbo to be en forma negativa
Write the next sentences in the negative form:
1. He was honored in the school.
2. You’re late.
3. I am in the park.
4. Her watch was broken.
5. My sister is so funny.
6. My car was dirt.
7. The coffee was so good.
8. My PC is the latest model.
9. We are in class now.
10. Elizabeth and Stella are afraid of spiders.
Ejercicio 3-B Ejercicios con el verbo to be en forma negativa e interrogativa
Write the next interrogative sentences into negative form, and the negative sentences into interrogative form.
1. Are you all right?
2. Is this your pet?
3. This car isn’t mine.
4. You were not in the right place.
5. Was that a classical masterpiece?
6. I was not drinking tea.
7. Are this your earrings?
8. They weren’t studying.
9. Were you in the town on Sunday?
10. We aren’t in the end of the exercise.
Ejercicio 1-A: 1. Am; 2. Are; 3. Are; 4. Is; 5. Is; 6. Are; 7. Are; 8. Are; 9. Is; 10 is.
Ejercicio 1-B:
1. am I going to the park?
2. Are Mary and Joan buying fruit?
3. Are Rose and Esther good students?
4. Is a good weather this Sunday?
5. Is The Lord of the Rings a trilogy of movies?
6. Are most of my records in LP format?
7. Are the cat and the dog in the yard?
8. Are you a clever boy?
9. Is Peter on the living room?
10. Is Long Beach a place near the sea?
Ejercicio 2-A:
1. This exercise was easy.
2. I was in Greenland.
3. You were in the field.
4. Robert and Carmen were abroad.
5. We were tired.
6. The day was cloudy.
7. The glass was broken.
8. Those houses were so nice
9. The lion was asleep.
10. This was a good time.
Ejercicio 2-B:
1. Was this exercise easy?
2. Was I in Greenland?
3. Were you in the field?
4. Were Robert and Carmen abroad?
5. Were we tired?
6. Was the day cloudy?
7. Was the glass broken?
8. Were those houses so nice?
9. Was the lion asleep?
10. Was this a good time?
Ejercicio 3-A:
1. He wasn’t (was not) honored in the school.
2. You aren’t (are not) late.
3. I am not in the park.
4. Her watch wasn’t (was not) broken.
5. My sister isn’t (is not) so funny.
6. My car wasn’t (was not) dirt.
7. The coffee wasn’t (was not) so good.
8. My PC isn’t (is not) the latest model.
9. We aren’t (are not) in class now.
10. Elizabeth and Stella aren’t (are not) afraid of spiders.
Ejercicio 3-B:
1. You aren’t (are not) all right.
2. This is not (isn’t) your pet.
3. Is this car mine?
4. Were you in the right place?
5. That wasn’t (was not) a classical masterpiece.
6. Was I drinking tea?
7. This Aren’t (are not) your earrings.
8. Were they studying?
9. You weren’t (were not) in the town on Sunday.
10. Are we in the end of the exercise?
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