Verbos irregulares en inglés y español
Las reglas de los verbos irregulares en inglés y español son diferentes. En inglés se cuenta con la fortuna de que la mayoría de los verbos en pasado simple son irregulares. Esto quiere decir que podemos seguir un patrón que le da la forma al pasado simple de los verbos. A la mayoría de los verbos en inglés se se les agrega “-d” o “-ed” al infinitivo para formar el pasado simple del verbos.
- Para los verbos regulares en inglés que terminen con una vocal corta seguida por una consonante, debes doblar la consonante antes de añadir -ed. (admit – admitted, beg – beeged, stop-stopped) .
- Otros necesitan que cambies “-y” por “-ied”, cuando la “y” está precedida por una consonante (carry – carried, play – played, enjoy – enjoyed).
Los verbos que no siguen estas reglas los encontrarás a continuación estos son los verbos irregulares. Los verbos irregulares en inglés y en español serán mostrados a continuación:

Verbos irregulares en inglés y español
Lista de verbos irregulares en inglés y español.
Arise | Arose | Surgir, Levantarse |
Awake | Awoke | Despertarse |
Be/ am, are, is | Was / Were | Ser / Estar |
Bear | Bore | Soportar, dar a luz |
Beat | Beat | Golpear |
Become | Became | Llegar a Ser |
Begin | Began | Empezar |
Bend | Bent | Doblar |
Bet | Bet | Apostar |
Bind | Bound | Atar, encuadernar |
Bid | Bid | Pujar |
Bite | Bit | Morder |
Bleed | Bled | Sangrar |
Blow | Blew | Soplar |
Break | Broke | Romper |
Breed | Bred | Criar |
Bring | Brought | Traer Llevar |
Broadcast | Broadcast | Radiar |
Build | Built | Edificar |
Burn | Burnt /Burned | Quemar |
Burst | Burst | Reventar |
Buy | Bought | Comprar |
Cast | Cast | Arrojar |
Catch | Caught | Coger |
Come | Came | Venir |
Cost | Cost | Costar |
Cut | Cut | Cortar |
Choose | Chose | Elegir |
Cling | Clung | Agarrarse |
Creep | Crept | Arrastrarse |
Deal | Dealt | Tratar |
Dig | Dug | Cavar |
Do (Does) | Did | Hacer |
Draw | Drew | Dibujar |
Dream | Dreamt / Dreamed | Soñar |
Drink | Drank | Beber |
Drive | Drove | Conducir |
Eat | Ate | Comer |
Fall | Fell | Caer |
Feed | Fed | Alimentar |
Feel | Felt | Sentir |
Fight | Fought | Luchar |
Find | Found | Encontrar |
Flee | Fled | Huir |
Fly | Flew | Volar |
Forbid | Forbade | Prohibir |
Forget | Forgot | Olvidar |
Forgive | Forgave | Perdonar |
Freeze | Froze | Helar |
Get | Got | Obtener |
Give | Gave | Dar |
Go (Goes) | Went | Ir |
Grow | Grew | Crecer |
Grind | Ground | Moler |
Hang | Hung | Colgar |
Have | Had | Haber o Tener |
Hear | Heard | Oir |
Hide | Hid | Ocultar |
Hit | Hit | Golpear |
Hold | Held | Agarrar Celebrar |
Hurt | Hurt | Herir |
Keep | Kept | Conservar |
Know | Knew | Saber Conocer |
Kneel | Knelt | Arrodillarse |
Knit | Knit | Hacer punto |
Lay | Laid | Poner |
Lead | Led | Conducir |
Lean | Leant | Apoyarse |
Leap | Leapt | Brincar |
Learn | Learnt / Learned | Aprender |
Leave | Left | Dejar |
Lend | Lent | Prestar |
Let | Let | Permitir |
Lie | Lay | Echarse |
Light | Lit | Encender |
Lose | Lost | Perder |
Make | Made | Hacer |
Mean | Meant | Significar |
Meet | Met | Encontrar |
Mistake | Mistook | Equivocar |
Overcome | Overcame | Vencer |
Pay | Paid | Pagar |
Put | Put | Poner |
Read | Read | Leer |
Ride | Rode | Montar |
Ring | Rang | Llamar |
Rise | Rose | Levantarse |
Run | Ran | Correr |
Say | Said | Decir |
See | Saw | Ver |
Seek | Sought | Buscar |
Sell | Sold | Vender |
Send | Sent | Enviar |
Set | Set | Poner(se) |
Sew | Sewed | Coser |
Shake | Shook | Sacudir |
Shear | Shore | Esquilar |
Shine | Shone | Brillar |
Shoot | Shot | Disparar |
Show | Showed | Mostrar |
Shrink | Shrank | Encogerse |
Shut | Shut | Cerrar |
Sing | Sang | Cantar |
Sink | Sank | Hundir |
Sit | Sat | Sentarse |
Sleep | Slept | Dormir |
Slide | Slid | Resbalar |
Smell | Smelt | Oler |
Sow | Sowed | Sembrar |
Speak | Spoke | Hablar |
Speed | Sped | Acelerar |
Spell | Spelt | Deletrear |
Spend | Spent | Gastar |
Spill | Spilt / Spilled | Derramar |
Spin | Spun | Hilar |
Spit | Spat | Escupir |
Split | Split | Hender / partir / rajar |
Spoil | Spoilt / Spoiled | Estropear |
Spread | Spread | Extender |
Spring | Sprang | Saltar |
Stand | Stood | Estar en pie |
Steal | Stole | Robar |
Stick | Stuck | Pegar Engomar |
Sting | Stung | Picar |
Stink | Stank/Stunk | Apestar |
Stride | Strode | Dar zancadas |
Strike | Struck | Golpear |
Swear | Swore | Jurar |
Sweat | Sweat | Sudar |
Sweep | Swept | Barrer |
Swell | Swelled | Hinchar |
Swim | Swam | Nadar |
Swing | Swung | Columpiarse |
Take | Took | Coger |
Teach | Taught | Enseñar |
Tear | Tore | Rasgar |
Tell | Told | Decir |
Think | Thought | Pensar |
Throw | Threw | Arrojar Tirar |
Thrust | Thrust | Introducir |
Tread | Trod | Pisar, hollar |
Understand | Understood | Entender |
Undergo | Underwent | Sufrir |
Undertake | Undertook | Emprender |
Wake | Woke | Despertarse |
Wear | Wore | Llevar puesto |
Weave | Wove | Tejer |
Weep | Wept | Llorar |
Wet | Wet | Mojar |
Win | Won | Ganar |
Wind | Wound | Enrollar |
Withdraw | Withdrew | Retirarse |
Wring | Wrung | Torcer |
Write | Wrote | Escribir |
Verbos irregulares en inglés y en español en participio:
Los verbos que en pasado simple son regulares siguen conservando la misma forma para usarse en los tiempos perfectos o como adjetivos calificativos. Mientras que la mayoría de los verbos irregulares vuelven a cambiar su forma en el participio. A continuación hallaras una lista de los verbos irregulares en inglés y español en el participio.
Lista de verbos en inglés y en español en participio.
Arise | Arisen | Surgir, Levantarse |
Awake | Awoken | Despertarse |
Be/ am, are, is | Been | Ser / Estar |
Bear | Borne / Born | Soportar, dar a luz |
Beat | Beaten | Golpear |
Become | Become | Llegar a Ser |
Begin | Begun | Empezar |
Bend | Bent | Doblar |
Bet | Bet | Apostar |
Bind | Bound | Atar, encuadernar |
Bid | Bid | Pujar |
Bite | Bitten | Morder |
Bleed | Bled | Sangrar |
Blow | Blown | Soplar |
Break | Broken | Romper |
Breed | Bred | Criar |
Bring | Brought | Traer Llevar |
Broadcast | Broadcast | Radiar |
Build | Built | Edificar |
Burn | Burnt / Burned | Quemar |
Burst | Burst | Reventar |
Buy | Bought | Comprar |
Cast | Cast | Arrojar |
Catch | Caught | Coger |
Come | Come | Venir |
Cost | Cost | Costar |
Cut | Cut | Cortar |
Choose | Chosen | Elegir |
Cling | Clung | Agarrarse |
Creep | Crept | Arrastrarse |
Deal | Dealt | Tratar |
Dig | Dug | Cavar |
Do (Does) | Done | Hacer |
Draw | Drawn | Dibujar |
Dream | Dreamt / Dreamed | Soñar |
Drink | Drunk | Beber |
Drive | Driven | Conducir |
Eat | Eaten | Comer |
Fall | Fallen | Caer |
Feed | Fed | Alimentar |
Feel | Felt | Sentir |
Fight | Fought | Luchar |
Find | Found | Encontrar |
Flee | Fled | Huir |
Fly | Flown | Volar |
Forbid | Forbidden | Prohibir |
Forget | Forgotten | Olvidar |
Forgive | Forgiven | Perdonar |
Freeze | Frozen | Helar |
Get | Got / Gotten | Obtener |
Give | Given | Dar |
Go (Goes) | Gone | Ir |
Grow | Grown | Crecer |
Grind | Ground | Moler |
Hang | Hung | Colgar |
Have | Had | Haber o Tener |
Hear | Heard | Oir |
Hide | Hidden | Ocultar |
Hit | Hit | Golpear |
Hold | Held | Agarrar Celebrar |
Hurt | Hurt | Herir |
Keep | Kept | Conservar |
Know | Known | Saber Conocer |
Kneel | Knelt | Arrodillarse |
Knit | Knit | Hacer punto |
Lay | Laid | Poner |
Lead | Led | Conducir |
Lean | Leant | Apoyarse |
Leap | Leapt | Brincar |
Learn | Learnt / Learned | Aprender |
Leave | Left | Dejar |
Lend | Lent | Prestar |
Let | Let | Permitir |
Lie | Lain | Echarse |
Light | Lit | Encender |
Lose | Lost | Perder |
Make | Made | Hacer |
Mean | Meant | Significar |
Meet | Met | Encontrar |
Mistake | Mistaken | Equivocar |
Overcome | Overcome | Vencer |
Pay | Paid | Pagar |
Put | Put | Poner |
Read | Read | Leer |
Ride | Ridden | Montar |
Ring | Rung | Llamar |
Rise | Risen | Levantarse |
Run | Run | Correr |
Say | Said | Decir |
See | Seen | Ver |
Seek | Sought | Buscar |
Sell | Sold | Vender |
Send | Sent | Enviar |
Set | Set | Poner(se) |
Sew | Sewed / Sewn | Coser |
Shake | Shaken | Sacudir |
Shear | Shorn | Esquilar |
Shine | Shone | Brillar |
Shoot | Shot | Disparar |
Show | Shown | Mostrar |
Shrink | Shrunk | Encogerse |
Shut | Shut | Cerrar |
Sing | Sung | Cantar |
Sink | Sunk | Hundir |
Sit | Sat | Sentarse |
Sleep | Slept | Dormir |
Slide | Slid | Resbalar |
Smell | Smelt | Oler |
Sow | Sowed / Sown | Sembrar |
Speak | Spoken | Hablar |
Speed | Sped | Acelerar |
Spell | Spelt | Deletrear |
Spend | Spent | Gastar |
Spill | Spilt / Spilled | Derramar |
Spin | Spun | Hilar |
Spit | Spat | Escupir |
Split | Split | Hender / partir / rajar |
Spoil | Spoilt / Spoiled | Estropear |
Spread | Spread | Extender |
Spring | Sprung | Saltar |
Stand | Stood | Estar en pie |
Steal | Stolen | Robar |
Stick | Stuck | Pegar Engomar |
Sting | Stung | Picar |
Stink | Stunk | Apestar |
Stride | Stridden | Dar zancadas |
Strike | Struck | Golpear |
Swear | Sworn | Jurar |
Sweat | Sweat | Sudar |
Sweep | Swept | Barrer |
Swell | Swollen | Hinchar |
Swim | Swum | Nadar |
Swing | Swung | Columpiarse |
Take | Taken | Coger |
Teach | Taught | Enseñar |
Tear | Torn | Rasgar |
Tell | Told | Decir |
Think | Thought | Pensar |
Throw | Thrown | Arrojar Tirar |
Thrust | Thrust | Introducir |
Tread | Trodden | Pisar, hollar |
Understand | Understood | Entender |
Undergo | Undergone | Sufrir |
Undertake | Undertaken | Emprender |
Wake | Woken | Despertarse |
Wear | Worn | Llevar puesto |
Weave | Woven | Tejer |
Weep | Wept | Llorar |
Wet | Wet | Mojar |
Win | Won | Ganar |
Wind | Wound | Enrollar |
Withdraw | Withdrawn | Retirarse |
Wring | Wrung | Torcer |
Write | Written | Escribir |
Ejercicios Verbos irregulares en inglés y español I
- Last year we _____________on holiday to London. (go)
- I ____________a good movie last week. (see)
- We___________________ a delicious ice cram this afternoon. (make)
- I________________ to catch the subway but I missed it! (run)
- Janeth______________me a funny prank the other day. (tell)
- He________________________ ”see you” and __________________out. (say/go)
- My brother _______________________________home at 3 am last Friday. (come)
- Her mother_________________ her birthday last weekend. (have)
- Danna _______________________________a beautiful skirt in the prom. (wear)
- I __________________the new poem in the club.. (hear)
Ejercicios verbos irregulares en inglés y español II
- My uncle _________________________a wonderful dress for my birthday. (give)
- She ____________very surprised when he _______________that cow there. (be/see)
- The writers________________a romance book lastsession. (read)
- The businessmen ___________________________10 minutes ago. (meet)
- Somebody_________________ my cell phone! (steal)
- My mother______________sick, so she stayed home. (feel)
- I ___________________all day long. (sleep)
- Elizabeth _____________her fish to school this morning. (bring)
- I ____________you were my relative(think)
- The watchman _______________near the door and ___________a suspicious man. (stand/see)
Ejercicios verbos irregulares en inglés y español III
- I ___________________to my girlfriend. She is in South America now. (speak)
- The student__________________the geography lesson. (understand)
- He __________________________a letter to her friends in Japan. (write)
- Yesterday, our dad____________us to a roller coaster . (take)
- My cups________________ . Please give me other five please. (break)
- The baby ________________________the my homework. (tear)
- I_______________________the ball and you _______________it fast. (throw/catch)
- Last month they___________________a big building in that park. (build)
- The old lady______________ on the sofa is my grand mother. (sit)
- My dad______________________ me a new toy. (buy)
- The taxi driver ______________the car slowly because of the snow. (drive)
Respuestas verbos irregulares en inglés y español I
- Last year we ______went_______on holiday to London. (go)
- I _____saw_______a good movie last week. (see)
- We_______made____________ a delicious ice cram this afternoon. (make)
- I_______ran_________ to catch the subway but I missed it! (run)
- Janth______told________me a funny prank the other day. (tell)
- He____________said____________ ”see you” and _________went_________out. (say/go)
- My brother _______________came________________home at 3 am last Friday. (come)
- Her mother_______had__________ her birthday last weekend. (have)
- Danna _____________wore__________________a beautiful skirt in the prom. (wear)
- I ________heard__________the new poem in the club.. (hear)
- Respuestas verbos irregulares en inglés y español II
- My uncle ____________gave_____________a wonderful dress for my birthday. (give)
- She ______was______very surprised when he ______saw_________that cow there. (be/see)
- The writers_________read_______a romance book lastsession. (read)
- The businessmen _____________met______________10 minutes ago. (meet)
- Somebody__________stole_______ my cell phone! (steal)
- My mother_____felt_________sick, so she stayed home. (feel)
- I __________slept_________all day long. (sleep)
- Elizabeth _____________her fish to school this morning. (bring)
- I ______thought______you were my relative(think)
- The watchman _______________near the door and ___________a suspicious man. (stand/see)
- Respuestas verbos irregulares en inglés y español III
- I ________spoke___________to my girlfriend. She is in South America now. (speak)
- The student_________understood_________the geography lesson. (understand)
- He ______________wrote____________a letter to her friends in Japan. (write)
- Yesterday, our dad_____took_______us to a roller coaster . (take)
- My cups_________broke_______ . Please give me other five please. (break)
- The baby _________tore_______________the my homework. (tear)
- I____________threw___________the ball and you _______caught________it fast. (throw/catch)
- Last month they__________built_________a big building in that park. (build)
- The old lady_____sat_________ on the sofa is my grand mother. (sit)
- My dad__________bought____________ me a new toy. (buy)
- The taxi driver ______drove________the car slowly because of the snow. (drive)
- Ejercicios de verbos irregulares en inglés y español IV
- 1. She_____________ all the answers. (know)
- 2. He______________French songs at class last Friday. (sing)
- 3. Su_______________________ to collect bills from every country. (begin)
- 3. We ____________________in the beach. It __________________fun! (swim/be)
- 4. My neighbors _______________their old flat. (sell)
- 6. The girl__________________ thebike. (ride)
- 7. The baby___________ice cream.. (eat)
- 8. The team_____________ the match.. (win)
- 9. My glasses _________________on the table. (be)
- 10. Our class_______________ to Greece last winter.. (fly)
- Respuestas de ejercicios de verbos irregulares en inglés y español IV
- 1. She_______knew______ all the answers. (know)
- 2. He________sang______French songs at class last Friday. (sing)
- 3. Su__________began_____________ to collect bills from every country. (begin)
- 3. We __________swam__________in the beach. It _________was_________fun! (swim/be)
- 4. My neighbors _______sold________their old flat. (sell)
- 6. The girl________rode__________ thebike. (ride)
- 7. The baby____ate_______ice cream.. (eat)
- 8. The team_____won________ the match.. (win)
- 9. My glasses _______was__________on the table. (be)
- 10. Our class_______flew________ to Greece last winter.. (fly)
Ejercicios de verbos irregulares en inglés y español V
- I _______________a ballet dancer in 2005. (become)
- The old man ___________________her bag in the store. (forget)
- He__________________ the carrots. (cut)
- The bus driver ________________that little boy to th kinder garten today. (bring)
- My brother____________________the house early in the morning last Monay. (leave)
Respuestas de ejercicios de verbos irregulares en inglés y español V
- I _______became________a ballet dancer in 2005. (become)
- The old man _________forgot__________her bag in the store. (forget)
- He_________cut_________ the carrots. (cut)
- The bus driver _____brought___________that little boy to th kinder garten today. (bring)
- My brother________left____________the house early in the morning last Monay. (leave)
Ve el siguiente video sobre los verbos irregulares en inglés y español. Haz clic aquí.
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